December 2014
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
Friday, November 14, 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Inspirational woman
-- determination
-- honesty
-- morals
-- vanity
-- stubbornness
-- fun-side
does it have to be just one thing? LOL!
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Places to make friends
- 1Know what your hobby is. Do you like to play a certain sport? Do you enjoy acting or singing? Whatever your hobby may be, try to join a club or school activity in which you will get to do it. Maybe you will be able to meet some people who share the same interest as you.
- 2Ask the friends you currently have if they know anyone who has some of the same interests as you. If they say yes, ask if they could introduce the two of you. A good friendship may form out of this, and you would get to be meeting new people.
- 3Do some volunteer work or get a job. Try to do it at a place where you know you will be getting to work with other people. Also, make sure the place where you plan on doing this requires you to do something that interests you. If you do this, you may meet some new friends while doing work.
- 4Take a look at your family. Perhaps you have a cousin who has a lot of the same interests as you. Whatever the case may be, maybe you could try becoming better friends with any relatives you have. If they are distant, ask for their email or phone number if you don't already know it.
- 5Go for a walk around your neighborhood. See if you notice anyone who looks around your age doing something you like to do. For example, if you like to play basketball and see someone shooting hoops, ask if you can play with them. Some of the nicest people can be in your neighborhood, so be sure to take notice of them.
- 6Online can sometimes be a good place. But aware there are nutty people out there that will hurt you, so if you are going to meet someone in person, be sure it's in the middle of the day, in a public place. Don't tell anyone where you live and always meet where you would have help if things got weird. You could bring someone with you, to be safe
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Is Technology Killing Our Social Behavior?

While each member uses a different digital communications device, Kevin also makes comments with words to the effect that having a 'family contract' that covers all devices; a laptop, iPad, mobile phone... etc., is also the only choice to make because this contract, as advertised by the digital communications company, is the most economical...
While all this goes on I'm watching with amazement. I'm thinking did the makers of this advert see what's really going on here? How about the audience, do they see it?
While the family are sat around the table each member is so immersed in their communication device that nobody is interested in talking. This brings me to this: Have we as a human race become so immersed in technology that it is killing our social behaviour? Have we become a mutant race while technology slowly over time is killing our social behaviour?
Today, we know that it has never been easier to communicate with others. We have all these communications devices and social networking websites... but according to research carried out people have never been so lonely.
Although some can have many friends (so-called friends?) on social networking sites the relationships promoted there can be superficial, lacking the depth that face-to-face real live intimate friendship has, like seeing the funny side of things, spontaneous behaviour and silliness that brings laughter...
People online, withdrawn from real life, immersed in the virtual world, sometimes make up false versions of themselves, or perhaps they may end up simply being different to what they would normally be like in real life with others, or perhaps getting lost in trying to look good... Not having the satisfaction that they would normally get in real life in the company of others they then become lonely.
Some are 'trapped' in this virtual world through habit or addiction and find it very difficult to get out of, losing real social and familial connections, hence the term 'the innovation of loneliness' given to the invention of social networking.
It has been said that the world we live in today demands more of us and the idea of rapid and ready friendships, online romances... allows us to manage our time more effectively. However, in spite of this, having virtual friends and romances perhaps in numbers it can be a case of putting quantity before quality: Text messages, emailing... is safer and less vulnerable, but it has been said that it is a poor substitute for real live intimacy...
Monday, August 25, 2014
What would I tell my younger self...
Picture 1 - Pay attention in school, don't be sad that the world around you is kind of crazy, it's not your fault.
Picture 2 - Always laugh and smile, be silly. Don't give your heart away. Enjoy life and don't worry about guys so much.
Picture 3 - Your life isn't so bad. You have the ability to do or be anything you like. Don't listen to negative people. Take chances. See the beauty in yourself and don't be so down on yourself. You are special.
Picture 4 - There is still more to come in life. Don't give up. Be grateful for what you have in life. Enjoy your healthy body. If you want something, go and get it. Keep your chin up!
On the flip side of that --- What would I tell my older self...
Don't settle for less than you deserve in life. It's okay to be alone / single. Put yourself OUT there and make new friends and new experiences. Be more frugal with your money. Try EVERYTHING! Enjoy yourself.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
7 Ways To Fix A Failing Relationship
Are there ways to fix a relationship if you and your partner are going through a rough patch and neither of you can see a solution? All relationships have highs and lows, but if the lows are not handled carefully, they can cause feelings of resentment and bitterness and even lead to a break up or divorce. The essential thing to save your relationship is to keep the communication going between you and your partner.
If your relationship feels like it is monotonous, or if you are in a relationship that is having too many problems, it's likely that you are asking yourself how you got to this place. Listed below are 7 ways to fix a relationship so that you and your partner can get back to normal and be happy with each other just as you were when you first met.
1. Talk About Your Thoughts And Feelings
The first stage of how to save your relationship is being able to talk to one another without making the other person feel ridiculous for what they are feeling. You both need to be able to talk freely without having the other person roll their eyes or laugh at your opinions.
2. Discuss Your Differences
There will be always differences because it's a natural occurrence for all couples. When you are trying to fix a relationship problem, the key is to be able to talk out those differences and come up with some kind of middle ground. If one person wants one thing and the other person wants another, a compromise should be decided upon to meet each other halfway.
3. Take Time To Listen!
Being able to listen is one of the most important ways to fix a relationship. Listening to your partner when they need it encourages them to talk when they want to talk. Let them say what they need to say and then take your turn. Don't interrupt them when they are talking. If your partner feels that you are not listening to them, their lines of communication close down.
4. Develop Trust And Honesty
Lies will only build on other lies and will eventually kill any trust in a partnership. Tell your partner the truth about your feelings. When there is no trust between two people, the relationship will suffer and will most probably finish in a bad way.
5.Take Things Seriously
If your partner is worried about something, take it seriously. Don't brush it off as nonsense. If they concerned, it needs to be resolved, and you have to help support them in that matter. If you fail to take it seriously, they won't take you or the relationship seriously.
6. Stay Positive
Keep a positive attitude with your partner as much as you can. A negative attitude will not save your relationship. A positive attitude leads to more communication and lets the relationship grow.
7. Let Things Out
Don't keep thoughts or feelings bottled up inside you. If you do, your true feelings will come out in a torrent of anger, and the other person will be hurt.
Friday, July 11, 2014
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Favorite Cowboy Boots
I was going to put all my favorite boots on here, but I'll just put the link! I want them ALL!
Click the link for the website:
Friday, February 21, 2014
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
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